💥💥Can a horse suffer from depression?

Can a horse suffer from depression?
Humans can suffer from depression but don't forget animals.
Horses, like humans, can develop forms of depression.
they may have chronic conditions, which is a hypothesis for an 'inward focus'."
Important as an owner not to underestimate something like this. some are similar to symptoms of depression in humans such as:
1. A lack of mobility

The horse often stands facing the wall of the stable. Tails straight ahead with deaf eyes.
His head is lowered and ears immobile. This is described as a 'withdrawn' posture and differs greatly from that of a cheerful horse that is actually observing its surroundings, whose neck is held higher and whose ears move curiously.
2 Loss of appetite
Depression causes a horse to lose its appetite. This can lead to unhealthy weight loss, which in turn can cause other health problems.
3. Unwillingness to work
You also see that they no longer enjoy the work they used to enjoy. Often no longer want to listen to your aids and then often go on strike. May even cause a horse to go lame just to avoid work.
4. Unpredictable behaviour
Can even be dangerous to ride a depressed horse. If their attention is elsewhere while riding or driving, it can be dangerous for the rider and the horse.
5. Avoiding other horses
Separating themselves from the herd or not reacting to other horses around them.
How do you care for a depressed horse?
After studying your horse's behaviour, narrow down the areas of his life that can be modified. Symptomatic of your horse's depression? If so, try changing feed or water more often.
Fresh food and water
Horses need a healthy diet and plenty of water. You can help your depressed horse by consulting a vet to determine the best roughage for the horse. There are many different mixtures of roughage as well as grain or nutritional supplements , making nutrition one of the most important factors in a horse's daily routine.
When it comes to water, there is a simple test to see if it needs replacing. If you wouldn't drink the water yourself, don't give it to your horse either. Clean, refreshing water very important
Doing the same thing day in and day out may sound boring to some people, but horses thrive on routine. This does not mean they will not enjoy riding new trails. But even in the wild, the horse is a creature of habit.
Leaving horse in stable all day is terrible
A lack of exercise can cause depressive tendencies in both humans and horses. Putting him to work daily will satisfy both your and your horse's physical needs while giving the animal social stimulation.
Preventing horse depression
Keeping horses busy and meeting their social, physical and mental demands are the best techniques for preventing depression. Long periods of isolation, lack of exercise and a disrupted routine can all affect your horse's mental state